Friday, September 26, 2014

We Don't Discuss Religion and Politics

Guest hosts – Rev. Dr. Don Anderson, Executive Minister of the Rhode Island Council of Churches

He is also a member of Jonathan’s church… not that he is ever there, but still on the rolls and still gets letters from Jonathan’s church asking for money.

From the halls of First Baptist in East Greenwich, RI, Jonathan and Don discuss all of the concerns, considerations, questions, and approaches to the political and the religious. Don had a simple formula of two “P”s:

Policy over Politics

For religion to hold onto some kind of integrity the religious must keep their eye on policy over politics. There is a reality in which politicians will be thinking about themselves and how to further their own agendas and it is easy to fall into that method of thinking. However, it is important to keep your eye on the policy that you are forwarding (and end to hunger, homelessness, immigrant rights, etc.). So two “P” are important, Policy and Politics… and Power

Ok, three Ps

Policy, Politics, and Power

It is important to realize that we are dealing with institutions and principalities that have power over other’s lives. At the same time it is important to realize that we in the religious arena have power. We have power in numbers, we have power in our commitment to policy. When we give into the political then we lose all power. Power is a very real part of the process. So three Ps – Policy, Politics, and Power… and Pastoral Care

Ok, four Ps

Policy, Politics, Power, and Pastoral Care

We are dealing with and working with people. Some of these people have their own religious story and others do not, but they are all people with their own struggles, worries, and ideals. It is important that in working with people in the political arena that we continue to share and show the love of Christ to all that we encounter. Very different for lobbying organizations.

So four Ps, Policy, Politics, Power, and Pastoral Care… unless we have another episode with Don, then there will probably be many, many more.

Rialage –
Don is pining for the Wittenburg Door – a now defunct brilliant magazine of satire poking fun and speaking truth to all aspects of Christianity (and beyond) that make the normal, rational religious folks cringe. Come back Door! Come back!

Jonathan is foaming at the mouth at someone who claims to be Christian who is advocating a taking of arms (not literal arms, but weapons, guns, etc.) in response to Islam. Stupid, stupid, stupid, completely ignoring the theology of the cross, and not to mention, stupid. If you want to read the post (warning, it is pretty stupid), you can find it here.

Matthew 10:16-19 – if you are going to be politically involved then you really should read this passage; be wise as serpents and innocent as doves, and trust in the presence of the Holy Spirit

Watcha’ Into
Don is enjoying time on his boat in the Narragansett Bay (with a Narragansett Light? He didn’t say)

Jonathan enjoyed reading Swamplandia! by Karen Russell. Read his reflections on the book here.

Again, thanks for listening. Send your comments and questions to and don’t forget to rate the show on iT

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rest Now!

Guest hosts – Marilyn, Anthony F., Anthony J., Beth, and Jeremiah Malone – all related to Jonathan and still willing to take part in this podcast.

Here is the breakdown:
Anthony F. – Jonathan’s dad; a pediatrician and grandfather
Marilyn – Jonathan’s mom; former camp director, former physical therapist, current grandmother and daughter
Beth – Jonathan’s sister; child therapist (play therapy); mother and aunt
Anthony J. – Jonathan’s son; violinist; teenager; youtube at those_wierd_kids
Jeremiah – Jonathan’s son; tuba player; smart aleck

Some of them are members of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Albany, NY

The last of the summer episodes – we will get back to the breakneck speed of recording and posting soon.

From the pastoral, rolling hills and bucolic golfing grounds of Massanutten, VA Jonathan has pulled in his family members to speak about the notion of Sabbath. It figures that even while he is supposed to be on vacation Jonathan still has to do some kind of work-related thing.

First, Sabbath is different then just getting a day off. It is finding that time to reconnect, recharge, and perhaps most importantly finding balance or harmony with one’s relationships. These relationships include those with the family, those with creation, those with the community, that with the self, and that with God. When it is put that way it seems kinda important, doesn’t it?

Part of Sabbath is going to church. Not just because your mother will yell at you if you don’t go to church, but there is something important about being with other people who ascribe and celebrate a similar faith and hold to similar values. Jonathan offered the notion (from Walter Breuggemann) that Sabbath can be an act of protest in the face of a society that is constantly moving from one thing to the next. It is saying that being busy is not always important and does not necessarily increase one’s value as a person.

If nothing else, it is important to step out of the regular rhythms of the week, be intentional about relationships, and take a break. After all, you deserve it!

Rialage –
Watch out all of you golfers because Jonathan is not happy with you. Something about not letting him run on the courses because it isn’t safe. Now if it were disc golf that would be a whole other story.

Marilyn is angry about the behemoth car seats and how much time and energy they take to move from one vehicle to another. It would be better to just have the kid rest on your legs, right?

Jeremiah is angry about the stupid, seemingly arbitrary rules that adults dictate from on high telling kids what they can and cannot do. Stupid rules!

Anthony F. is angry about kids (and adults) not wearing bicycle helmets. Seriously, wear the darn helmet.

Anthony J. realizes that adults just don’t understand especially when it comes to eating.

Micah 6:8
It is a fun one that has a high bar!

Watcha’ Into
Marilyn is into taking a challenge – specifically the rope course/zip line
Anthony J. is into swimming. For some reason when he is holding his breath he can think better.
Beth is kinda into Orange Is The New Black but even more is into playing Ultimate (Frisbee).
Anthony F. is into photography, but even more into not taking pictures and being in the moment without a camera at his side (he is also into experiences of withdrawal)
Jonathan is into Parker Palmer’s book Let Your Life Speak – good read on vocation and living

Again, thanks for listening. Send your comments and questions to and don’t forget to rate the show on iTunes.