Friday, July 18, 2014

Forgive This...

Guest host – Andy Arndt – Prison Chaplin for the State of Indiana

From the great state of Wisconsin, in the picturesque town of Green Lake, at the American Baptist Assembly, Jonathan and Andy snuck away from meetings to record this episode. Boring conversation anyway (HA!).

Andy and Jonathan tackle the topic of Forgiveness – something that Andy deals with first-hand in his work at the State Prison. Hopefully it is something that we all work with. Offering forgiveness because we never need it, right?

The tricky part with forgiveness is bringing someone back into the community. We forgive but in a wounded, hesitant way. Fool me once, shame on me, and I will do all that I can to make sure that you can never, ever fool me again. That means I will never fully trust you again, I will not feel safe with you again. The relationship we once had will never be the same. In the grand scheme of things this is not what forgiveness should be but is the reality. In a sense it is someone saying, “I am willing to take a chance with you again, but it will not be the same as it once was.”

Jonathan and Andy talk about this tragic reality of forgiveness on the societal level as well as the personal. They do not end with any big ideas but with a recognition that forgiveness is difficult and full inclusion after the fact is near impossible. Thanks for the uplifting thoughts guys.

Rialage –
Both Jonathan and Andy are on the Board of General Ministries of the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. and are in the thick of meetings. So it would make sense that Jonathan would get all hot and bothered about meetings. Maybe he should widen his world view for once in a while.

He should take a hint from Andy who is angry about the notion that the government (state or federal) can legislate the boundaries of marriage. For Andy it is a question about the separation of Church and State. He is clear that he is not saying he is taking one position or another (but he really is, right?), but that he is just angry about people thinking that the government can get muddled in the notions and values of religious institutions.

1 Corinthians 10:6-13, especially verse 13. It isn’t that verse 13 is great (although it is a fun little verse), it is more that people tend to take it out of context and use it as one of those trite, Hallmark theology aphorisms – “God doesn’t give you more than you can handle.” Yuck! Seriously, don’t say that – it is worse than misusing the word, “literarily”

Watcha’ Into
Explicit lyric warning – Andy is into the newest Eminem album: Marshall Matters LP2 – you probably shouldn’t listen to it with your kids. Or with your parents.

Jonathan is kinda into the book 10 Degrees of Reckoning. True to form he can’t just like something but has to find something wrong with it and criticize it. Read his reflection here and then you decide if he needs help.

Again, thanks for listening. Send your comments and questions to and don’t forget to rate the show on iTunes.

Next episode – The Holy Spirit with Pastor Felipe Candelaria and Elisai Echevarria