Sunday, June 24, 2012

Forthcoming - being nice to others

Episode 10 will be about Superssionism - or... how should Christians relate with Jews. This is not an easy topic by any stretch of the imagination but one that should be considered. We want to be open and inclusive to our Jewish brothers and sisters, but many parts of our scripture suggest that Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism. The nicest way of saying this would be saying that Judaism is a fine religion but just not as good as Christianity. Hmm.....

A tangent point - In this episode Charley and I differ on hermeneutics (i.e. how we read scriptures). Charley suggests that the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) have priority over other scriptures. I, on the other hand, argue that we need to hold all scripture in the same light.

If one holds the Gospels over other sections of scripture than one could be saying that Judaism is good, but Christianity fulfills or supersedes it. That is why the Gospels are "better."

If one tries to read the Bible all with the same light then one could be saying that the passages of Leviticus and Numbers that deal with the minutia of cloth and cubits have the same importance in our lives as the Sermon on the Mount.

Again, I say Hmm...

1 comment:

  1. Jonathan,

    That's a tough topic-good luck with that one. Since you bring up Leviticus and Numbers, please let's not forget Deuteronomy  25: 11-12.  I look forward to the next podcast.

