Saturday, November 3, 2012

Why Can't We All Just Get Along?

It is like the podcast in blog form!

Jonathan started one of his usual obfuscated rants about the changing nature of the denomination and how that has effected intre-church relationships. Kinda heavy with theory, but still decent.

Charley brings it home by applying it to his own context and thus making it "real." Maybe Charley is the relevant one.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Would Jesus be a Sargent?

Recently Darin has written two blog posts about Christianity and the military establishment. The first one:
Lethal Autonomous Robots and Hannah
considers the morality of accepting the trends of modern warfare and trying to make warfare more humane.

The second post: Trijicon Bible Codes or The Jesus Rifles
looks at a company printing scripture references on their weapons.

In both cases Darin is wrestling with the way in which Christianity has been co-opted (overtly and subtly) into the military complex. You should note his use of scripture... Darin is good at that.

Is Christianity loosing its voice in the world (or has it already lost its voice)?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Charley Strikes Back!

Someone besides Jonathan had a snarky article criticizing churches - the only problem is the article is a little thin in the criticism. Check out Charley's post about this and his retort.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Charley Can't Stop

Something must have sparked under Charley's butt - he has been a posting machine on his blog! Notice that he is commenting on the "Nones," Darin has said something about the "Nones," but Jonathan - his head is stuck in the cloud and he has nothing to say to the people down below. Good to see two of the three are taking it to the streets.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Darin Collins is a writing Machine!

Revdrod has posted some new blogs reviewing the book "Consuming Youth," reflections on his Exodus sermon, and a response to Jonathan's post about labeling Christians. Good stuff - be sure to check it all out.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A New Member to the Family!

I (Jonathan) haven't discussed this with Charley yet, but I am sure he will be on board. I am trying to expand the 12enough network with other like-minded thinkers just so we don't feel so lonely. So I will start plugging other blogs, podcasts, etc. I'm going to leave it up to Charley and me to make decisions so the criteria will be subjective and anything but consistant. heh

With all that said, let me offer to you our first blog in the 12enough network: Revdrod

Admittedly, he needs to work on the title, but the contant is pretty good. In his three most recent posts Darin uses one of my favorite theologians: McClendon. He also uses Hauerwas and pulls in the NCAA. That is pretty darn impressive. You will also find a good investigation of scripture - something that I admit I am not very strong with. So take a look at Darin's blog, leave him comments, and let me know if there is anything or anyone you would like Charley and me to consider adding to our 12enough network.

There is your plug, Darin, now you have to keep posting.

Monday, September 10, 2012

It Won't Work, Will It?

Jonathan is considering a different approach to evangelism (outreach). He may actually invite people to approach him - weird, right? Is evangelism something that pastors should be doing? What is evangelism; what is the purpose of evangelism?

In his blog Jonathan does not say anything about sharing Christ, but instead inviting people to pray with him (or offering his prayers to others). Is this evangelism or is it a cheap counseling service? How can he be assured that God will be experienced by whoever he is talking to?


Tell him what you think.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Jonathan Doesn't Like People

Well, Jonathan doesn't like a certain kind or type of people. Read his most recent blog post to understand.

I Like Everyone (As Long as They are Just Like Me)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Forthcoming - being nice to others

Episode 10 will be about Superssionism - or... how should Christians relate with Jews. This is not an easy topic by any stretch of the imagination but one that should be considered. We want to be open and inclusive to our Jewish brothers and sisters, but many parts of our scripture suggest that Christianity is the fulfillment of Judaism. The nicest way of saying this would be saying that Judaism is a fine religion but just not as good as Christianity. Hmm.....

A tangent point - In this episode Charley and I differ on hermeneutics (i.e. how we read scriptures). Charley suggests that the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) have priority over other scriptures. I, on the other hand, argue that we need to hold all scripture in the same light.

If one holds the Gospels over other sections of scripture than one could be saying that Judaism is good, but Christianity fulfills or supersedes it. That is why the Gospels are "better."

If one tries to read the Bible all with the same light then one could be saying that the passages of Leviticus and Numbers that deal with the minutia of cloth and cubits have the same importance in our lives as the Sermon on the Mount.

Again, I say Hmm...

I Don't Know How!

I know I said that I was going to post a video of our recording, but... I couldn't figure out how to edit the stupid thing. And it was very, very boring. So continue to imagine us as Brad Pitt and Paul Giamatti  - you decide who is who.

Check out our facebook page for some good comments about the institution of the Catholic Church... actually they are more like very harsh criticisms, but good nonetheless. See, we respond to our listeners.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


In our last podcast we talked about Religious Liberty and mentioned the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty. It is a great groups and can be found through the following link:

Plus, Charley and I will be at Andover Newton Theological School on May 17. We aren't going to be there as special guests or anything, we just are going to hear J. Brent Walker of aforementioned Baptist Joint Committee speak. If anyone is in the Boston area and would like to say "hello," feel free to stop by. Maybe Charley will buy you lunch.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Everyone is talking about church/state

I just wrote a bit about the separation of church and state concerning a bit of a dust-up in Woonsocket, RI. Hopefully I didn't negate everything I said on the podcast.

Theosnob - I Was Young and Foolish

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

VBS = Very Boring Summer

How many have ever attended a Vacation Bible School? I did, once. That was all I needed.

Not really, but for some reason my parents did not send me back. I may have had something to do with the nature of the teaching and the emphasis on conversion.

As a pastor I have had the opportunity to lead a couple of VBS - a couple were a little heavy on the blood of Jesus stuff, but I wasn't in charge.

VBS used to be a major form of neighborhood evangelization, but not so much any more. It used to be a well attended program, but not at all any more.

So as I think about VBS (we will be doing an episode on that in a couple of weeks) I wonder if it is still alive and if so, should we allow it to die. Is there any current relevancy to VBS?


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Take This Brother May It Serve You Well

It only seems fitting that on Maundy Thursday I refer our many, many readers to our podcast on ritual (the most recent podcast). It will obfuscate and bog down everything you thought you understood about ritual and church life. Happy Maundy Thursday?

Monday, April 2, 2012

We're a Social Butterfly

Written by Jonathan

Starting to consider and work on our next podcast - Social Medial. Obviously I am not against the use of social media (see: podcast, blog, facebook page, twitter feeds, etc.). I don't know if I ever stopped, stepped back, and took a look at what was happening.

One of the big reasons I am engaged in social media is to kill time. What better way to spend the afternoon then to browse facebook and read everyone else's status update? And it is ministry!

I tell myself that it is for the sake of ministry and spreading the gospel; I am sure there is some truth in that. Personally, I have been using various types and forms of social media for different types of discourse. My own blog is snarky and academic. My church facebook page is light and pastoral. Different discourse. Just like we are different with different people.

I have a little more to consider, but it is still nascent and I don't want to spill everything before we even record the podcast. I am looking at Foucault and his approach to institutions, power, education, and truth. Consider, if a church does not have a presence on facebook then does it exist on facebook?

Monday, March 19, 2012

Super, Super, Super Heroes!

Have you ever wondered if the Thing (from Fantastic 4) is Jewish? Curious about Batman's religious upbringing?

In our last episode (on the Garden of Eden) we promised to post a link to a Super website. This website has gone through just about every superhero you can name and have found evidence to suggest a religious background.

I wont get into the conundrum of having a God and super powered beings. What does this do to Jesus? For now, just check out the website and enjoy!

Religious Affiliation of Comic Book Characters

Monday, March 12, 2012

You thought we were dead

Finally, a new episode - many, many complications. We look at the story of the Garden of Eden - the sound quality goes through a number of interesting stages

As always, enjoy it thought the following link, or via iTunes under 12enough... you know this!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Why does it hurt so much?

This post corresponds with Season 2, Episode 1

We went over a number of different things in our last episode dealing with the issue of suffering. I (Jonathan) mentioned Process Theology and Predestination. Look them up, they are fun. Charley mentioned a number of very good books (see below). Overall, please give this some thought. Our theology is so important when we suffer and it is so often so weak and ill fitting to the suffering we face.
Check out:
When Bad Things Happen to Good People - Harold Kushner
A Grief Observed - C.S. Lewis
Our Greatest Gift - Henri Nouwen
God and Human Suffering - Douglas John Hall

We didn't mention "Open Theology" which may have some bits to add to the conversation.

From Watcha' Reading:

The Girard Reader, edited by James G. Williams

The Reader's Digest Bible: Illustrated Edition

Sorry no pictures this time - under the gun with other things!